Yandina Memorial Visit

It was a pleasure to meet a group of students from Yandina State School at the Memorial below Mt
Ninderry early in March. They were quite interested as we discussed the formation of the Battalion,
its early action in the Middle East and the reasons for its recall.

Discussion then focussed on its time in the Yandina area and the reasons this was chosen as a
training area. Students were quite involved in suggesting reasons. Once we discussed the types of
training done, our attention went to the descriptions in the Battalion History of the relationships
with the Yandina community.

They were quite moved when they realised that for 166 soldiers who died during the Owen Stanley
and Gona campaigns, the people of Yandina were the last “family” they knew.

I look forward to going back later in the year to take them through the basics of the PNG actions.

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